Beetle Jelly Case 16g Orange.


Beetlejelly Orange

Complementary compound pet food for grain-eating ornamental birds and other non-food producing small rodents.

1 case = +/- 340/350 pieces (+/-6 kg).

Flavor: Orange

Tax included

Beetlejelly Orange

Complementary compound pet food for grain-eating ornamental birds and other non-food producing small rodents.

Once opened Beetle Jelly will keep for approximately one week. 


Sugar, Saccharose, Fructose, Fruit juice from concentrate,


Agar, Glycine, Preservative, Colouring 2a102, E 110, Flavouring, Vit A. 600 IE, Vit C 0.5mg

Analytical components /kg:

Crude Protein 20g, Crude fat 0g, Crude Fibre 0g, Raw ash 0g, Moisture content 80%

Feeding Instructions: Remove plastic cover or use a jelly cutter before offering to the animals.
Maximum 1-5 cups a week, depending on type and size of the animal.
Once open good for 5 days.  


A full case of beetle jelly cups contains +/- 340/360 pieces of  +/-16g each, making a total net weight of +/-6 kg.

Cases are available in several flavors: Apple, bananablueberry, brown sugarhoney, lactic acidmango, green sweet melon, multi fruit - strawberry, orange, peach and pineapple.

There is also a Cricket food version, Calcium plus, specially for cricket breeding or gut loading with 3% extra calcium on top.
We noticed Calcium plus is also greatly appreciated by millipedes, isopods and snails


Specific References